viernes, 30 de julio de 2010

un premio en Corea

Thanks to enthusiasm and great support from all around comic artist, the 2nd ICC Comic Award had been held very successfully with the theme of "Rapprochement of Cultures".
Totally we had 203 works from 37 countries, which have 142 works in Cartoon & Illustration and 61 works in comics.
Totally 60 works was nominates and one first prize and two excellence award was selected in each field among nominated works.
The nominated works will be exhibited in the 11th ICC in Bucheon, South Korea for ICC comic artist and festival visitors.

We express, again, deep appreciation to all participations and hope to have continuous support to forthcoming ICC in South Korea on Sept.

The result of the 2nd ICC Comic Award
- Cartoon and Illustration filed
▪ First Prize: Mohammad Ali Khalaji (Iran)
▪ Excellence Award: CRISTOBAL REINOSO (Argentina)

2 comentarios:

Don Belce dijo...

Mis felicitaciones Cristóbal, un abrazo!

Sergio Alvarez

Alejandro Tropea dijo...

Te felicito por el premio. Ya que no llegamos a la final del mundial al menos uno de los nuestros ha ganado en Corea ¡y sin patear la pelota!.